Number | County | Name | Owner | Verif | GPS | Description |
OH-68-01 | Preble | Untitled | Unger Farms | 06-2015 | N39 44.662 W84 36.009 | E. of Eaton, Washington Township. US36 E. 1.9 miles from jct with US127 in Eaton to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1945. |
OH-68-02 | Untitled | Ed Rike Plumbing | 06-2015 | N39 51.876 W84 31.585 | NE of Lewisburg, Harrison Township. Verona Rd. NE 0.7 miles from jct with US40 on the E. side of Lewisburg to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 7667. |